Friday, June 7, 2024

“Survival Mode”

One mishap
And Life freezes into chaotic misery 
An unavoidable illness burns your Future
An accident-not your fault-crushes Hope
An invasion of tech ruthlessly slaughters Livelihood

One mishap
And Life freezes into chaotic misery
An unrepentant storm heaves debris on your Path
An unforeseeable betrayal of Love and Trust erases you
An accumulation of losses and loneliness syphon away your Soul

One mishap

Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman


  1. Heart-rending sorrow. But be encouraged! We don't need to walk these valleys alone. The Lord is there to carry us when we can't go on. And remember valleys aren't pits. There's always a path out of the valley. The search for it is healing.

  2. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!
