Wednesday, June 5, 2024

“I ♥ Godzilla”

    Our old black-and-white television would flicker and flutter if the antenna didn’t rabbit ear precisely, but that never stopped me from staying up late at night to watch one of the various Godzilla movies aired after midnight. My young heart thrilled as the monster stomped through Tokyo, ripped Mothra from the air, or battled to the death with Kong.
     Last night, my heart embraced the latest in Godzilla’s destruction by viewing Godzilla Minus One. In the 70 years of Godzilla epics, the original that I viewed on that old, small screen holds a special place. I have to admit, though, that I love this behemoth in all of his renderings.
       I have no idea.
      I do know that Godzilla’s sweeping tail and stomping feet, his superior ferocious power and impenetrable, scaly hide delighted my childish heart. With this latest version, I cheered as he ripped through cities, plucking ships from the ocean and tossing them like small toys into the air. I know, as in the past movies from my childhood, he will be back

Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman

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