Saturday’s savory scents carry on the breeze. One neighbor, a chef at a Thai restaurant, fires up his grill and spices up the air. Our other neighbor, windows open to fall’s coolness, teases me with the fragrance of a baking cake. Sandwiched between the two homes, I raise my nose like a coon hound and sniff the scintillating aroma. My stomach rumbles in dissatisfaction, nagging me that baby carrots and tuna noodle casserole cannot compete with the tempting fragrance floating on the wind.
Friday, September 6, 2024
"Food for Thought"
Thursday, September 5, 2024
“For Your Viewing Pleasure”
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Once you wept with Walter
Set aside your abhorrence of Camelot
And clung to Fairness until Truth no longer served you
Once you honored Dover’s dead
Not manipulating and abusing our soldiers
And consuming the mighty military for your agenda
Once you believed in Choices
Before Rush, Glenn and Sean nourished your contempt
For anyone not like you
Once you loved without attaching strings
Before clan controlled your false superiority
And family pride rode on disdain for “Others”
Once you opened your hearth and home
Until your religiosity distorted your soul
To armor you behind gates with guns
Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman
"A Speck of Dust"
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
"Vinegar and Bleach"
Budgeting since my retirement means reevaluating exactly where I want to spend my dollars. A couple of months ago, I had one of those terrible weeks where every cleanser in the house came up empty. I hate it when all of my sprays and scrubs run out at the same time because they eat such a huge chunk out of our grocery budget. Even with coupons, the cost of Scrubbing Bubbles, Pine Sol, and Windex added together on one bill translates into less to eat for the week. I started fearing that my emaciated body would keel over from starvation as I scrubbed the tubs.
Monday, September 2, 2024
“The Hidden Jalapeño”
My list of aging’s disadvantages winds a mile long. Often, it wraps around my feet and trips me up, like it did the other night.

Sunday, September 1, 2024
"The Best Advice"
Just like most people, I’ve received my share of “deconstructive” advice over the years. You know what I mean. The two cents worth that a busybody must impart with great sincerity and greater hypocrisy. You smile and nod your head with a vague look in your eyes. You bite your cheek to prevent spewing your desired response, and instead you politely say, “Thank you so much for your advice.” Then you go on ahead and ignore it all because you doubt the motivations of this “well meaning” advisor.
However, I do know that some people in my life bestowed wonderful tidbits of guidance and philosophy that carried me through rough times. Many of these pieces of advice came from unexpected sources when I least foresaw the impact of their wise words. I’ve grown to cherish these principles and thought I’d pass them along today. I don’t want to present these canons in any particular order because at different points in my life, they’ve taken on different degrees of importance.
- 1. Don’t have a television set in your bedroom. Couples don’t need that distraction. (This came from my mother right before I got married.)
- 2. Try everything twice because you may not like it the first time around. (My father’s marital advice. So many different levels to this tidbit . . .)
- 3. Never stay in a relationship if there’s physical or emotional abuse. (Both of my parents were very firm on this.)
- 4. You have your entire life to reach for goals and dreams. (My father finished college at the age of 48 and started a new career at 50.)
- 5. Enjoy each and every stage of child rearing and parenthood. (Remember, your relationship with your children lasts your entire lifetime.)
- 6. Sometimes, you just have to put your head down and plow through the bullshit by sticking out a bad situation until you get to the “good stuff.” (Delayed gratification leads to such tremendous rewards.)
- 7. Choice becomes a part of every day. We cannot often control what happens to us, but we can choose how we respond to those events. (I’ve always had trouble with this because I want to try to control situations/events/people. You know, trouble shoot and prevent; but somehow that rarely works.)
- 8. Plan for the worst, but hope for the best. (These words guide my daily life now more than ever.)
- 9. You can spend your life miserable looking at what you don’t have, or you can spend your life happy with what you do have. (I can never understand why some people choose to be unhappy, but they do.)
Copyright 2011 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman