Every day, our
national news spotlights an ugly side of our country. Too many people in power
who want to kill rational thinking by directing attention to fears to control
our dialogues. Their rhetoric feed negative and dreadful constructs. Daily,
they drone on and on against diversity in thought and deed. They expertly
played a long game by infiltrating local school boards and subverting local
communities. Their grass roots movement now bears malignant, poisonous fruit.
The end result indoctrinated entire sections of our culture to fear and hate.
Yesterday, I briefly
visited a family member whose husband died in December from COVID-19. He believed
the propaganda that COVID-19 was nothing worse than the flu. He spouted their
words about masking blocking his individual rights. He refused vaccination even
when his wife and children received their own shots. He believed their
cancerous disinformation. His COVID-19 battle started in July, with months of hospitalization
and then a shift to a rehabilitation facility. When his insurance ran out, he
came home to die.
All I could think of
on my walk home was that he’d been killed by dangerous opinions. How did we get
to this point as a society?
We stumbled somehow
onto a path that doesn’t practice grace. We’re mired in muck that no longer
allows for kindness, mercy or decency. I don’t know how to wash away the filth.
Copyright 2022 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman