Monday, July 1, 2024

“Zeros and Ones”

            Conversations lately dive into “what if” the economy gets hacked. What if all of those “ones” become “zeros” with accounts wiped clean? At the moment, I have $3.00 and a handful of quarters in my purse. Trusting that our system works, and that no criminal mind or terrorist group will implode our financial system, means there’s a cross of faith I wear daily.

            Would the people who always have “ones” step forward to care for those who have nothing? Would estranged families reunite to stand together?  Would the best each of us has to offer spring forth in collaboration with neighbor helping neighbor? Would our communities, towns or cities share resources freely? Would state and national governments pull together, providing food, shelter and safety for each citizen?

            What will be the crisis response if more than towers go down?
            I believe those of us who can will share and care.
            I believe in unity.
            I believe in cooperation.
            I believe in decency.

            I believe in sunrises.    


Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman

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