Wednesday, July 3, 2024

“Koi’s OK”


            Koi, our Pom-monster, turns fifteen this year. For several years, tracheal collapse challenges him periodically when he wakes up in the mornings and settles down for the nights. Our vet prescribed Hydrocodone to use as needed, but it really knocks Koi out even with a half-dose. During another checkup, the vet suggested using Benadryl instead since we noted that Koi had more flare-ups with different pollen counts. The more risky Hydrocodone became reserved for bad days, and we’ve gone a year without filling his prescription.

            Last August, Koi began wetting the floor and his bed while sleeping. After his physical, our vet started him on Proin-ER that worked immediately. After a few months, the medication became unavailable anywhere, and the regular Proin proved useless. We began relying on soft disposable wraps for Koi’s new attire.

            In February, Koi’s wrap reddened with blood in his urine. As it happened late in the day, it was the next morning before our vet saw him. By that time, his wrap was almost clear, but even I could see that there was blood in the clear catch urine sample when the vet showed me the test tube. Drawing blood samples for more tests happened quickly. Koi didn’t stress when the vet flipped him onto his back to thoroughly palpitate him to check his kidneys and bladder. She felt nothing, and stated maybe the blood tests would show us something. Which they did—NOTHING was wrong!

            The vet explained in a phone conference that Koi could’ve passed a bladder stone. That could mean other stones and the possibility of blockages occurring. The horrifying cancer diagnosis could only be ruled out with tests we couldn’t afford. If he had bladder cancer, treatments extend the four-to-six month prognosis by only a few months. We decided to simply wait and see. If Koi passed more blood in his urine, he’d go back for additional checks. If we noticed changes in his eating, energy, or water intake, we’d bring him back in. If we sensed that he experienced any pain, we’d schedule an emergency visit.

            Yesterday, Koi’s regular annual appointment found us back at the vet for his shots. Over the last four months, not a single drop of blood in his urine. Not a sign of any tumors. Koi let the vet push and prod without complaint. Our February scare must have been a single bladder stone passed into his past!  


Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman

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