Friday, June 21, 2024

“Little Roses”


            What is my special treat from the grocery store? Flowers. We enter our local HEB from one set of doors to purchase groceries. Our route swings us by the plants and cut flowers at the end of our shopping. A quick evaluation of our cart to judge whether I’m in budget or not means I may indulge in either cut flowers or a small plant. The mini roses often draw my attention. First, their inexpensive price tag means the experiment to keep them alive won’t break the bank.  In the past, I’ve repotted the little roses and successfully moved them to spots outside. Currently, I have one that has survived for almost a year. It’s not blooming yet, but I’m hopeful it’ll hang in there long enough to bloom again.

            I feel absolutely spoiled when a dozen roses end up in our cart. Sometimes, the store has my ultimate favorite—yellow. More often, red or pink bouquets add splashes of color to our practical grocery purchases. I try to take the time not only to “smell the roses” but to preserve them through my photography.  


Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman



  1. I love entering HEB at the flower entrance. Recently purchased little petite rose bouquets for mom’s grave. They have survived in Texas heat.

    1. This last purchase may not make it beyond the dining room table.
