Thursday, June 13, 2024

“A Barnes and Noble Triumph”


            My faith in mankind tripled yesterday with the overflowing crowds at our new Barnes and Noble in Selma, at The Forum. Our Wednesday tradition of dinner out led us to one of our favorite spots, Papouli's Greek Grill. When we had difficulty finding a parking spot, I remembered that the book store’s Grand Opening was scheduled for June 12th. We decided to walk over after dinner, not really anticipating just how large the crowd would be.

            Entering the bookstore, I couldn’t believe how many people milled around everywhere. Excited children pulled parents from one section to another while nonchalant teens browsed in clusters of three or four, attempting to carry an air of disinterest that evaporated as they moved through the store.

            People weren’t just window shopping. Lines snaked at each check-out station with the wait to make purchases taking about thirty minutes. Standing in line, joy filled me as I watched families stack book after book on the counters. Some added puzzles and Lego sets to their pile. For thirteen years, our area of San Antonio has longed for a bookstore. Yesterday, I witnessed the quenching of that thirst.


Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman


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