Saturday, May 25, 2024

“Too Hot”


            For the last couple of years, we’ve headed to our cabin in Leakey during the longer Memorial Day weekend as a way to celebrate our anniversary a week late. Our plans to go this weekend stopped dead with the weather report for an entire hunk of Texas—HEAT ADVISORY!

            Heading into the hills with the goal of hiking, weed-eating the overgrown grassy areas surrounding the small building, and collecting rocks and shoveling gravel to bring back home for landscaping doesn’t appeal to me at all with temperatures sweltering between 108°-111°.

            In 2022, a severe hail storm battered our cabin during this same weekend! We “saved” our Bronco with every cushion and quilt in the building. We’d never experienced such a severe storm in Leakey in May.


            So for today, we’ll spend inside on Arrakis, binging on both parts of Dune. 

Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman   


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