Monday, June 24, 2024

“Growing Optimism”


Past yard with more green by hose!

            My best therapy occurs in the garden. Watering by hand sends me into Zen tranquility. Finding the treasures planted by birds and squirrels allows me to nurture. I propagate and procreate with cautious hope that new clippings will survive. Over the last few years, our weather swings from brutally freezing winters to the drought driven days of summer.

            This year, my usual Morning Glories never wrapped themselves around the post out back. My Mountain Laurel barely carried a blossom. The heady aroma of honeysuckle doesn’t entice butterflies or bees since not a single bloom drapes down the vine. So far, my sunflower garden has halved its size, and my sage’s purple splendor remains dormant.

             One section of yard, near the faucet and hose, never regained its ground cover. Every morning, I dance and leap over the area once I’ve watered it in an attempt to avoid making the section into a tragic spot of mud. Yesterday, I decided to rob the remaining square stepping stones from behind our defunct hot tub. I created a path to avoid the mud. Next, I planted the creeping phlox we salvaged from Walmart’s discount section last spring. I also had three different pots of suffering mint that needed to go into the ground.

            With diligence and care, this area may become a favorite spot of flowers and flavors!

Stepping stones to new spots

Greenhouse floor


Avoiding mud!

Hopeful mint!

Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman  

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