A few years ago, I decided to go back
to my “roots” by cutting all of the color out of my hair and resisting the urge
to cover the gray. I wanted to see just how silver or white my tresses had
become after I hit fifty.
I thought
my silver/brown looked fine until I caught a good look at it in several
different pictures. When several friends suggested I add a little color to my
hair, I took their advice to heart.
Remembering the guideline of coloring
your hair to a lighter shade as you age, I experimented with various shades of
light brown, ashes, and champagnes until I finally settled on something that
drew more compliments than criticism.
And I slipped into a comfort zone
fairly rapidly, settling into changing my hair style instead of my color. I
clipped my long hair into short layers, and I’ve slowly progressed to bangs and
one layer over the last couple of years.
Some nights, I believe my hair grows
an inch. My color, presentable one day, turns into a mess of grayish-brown
roots so suddenly that I never have my brand of color handy. Usually, I browse
through the hair aisle on my own, but the other day my son accompanied me to
the store.
“It’s time for you to try a new color,
Mom,” he dared.
I stood looking at the wall of smiling
models with a rainbow assortment of choices. We ruled out the pink and purple,
shied away from the greens, and barely glanced at the dark blacks.
The reds, though, drew my son’s
attention. “You’ve never colored your hair red.”
“It has so many red highlights in it
already, I’ve always been afraid to go with red,” I explained.
Before I knew it, I held a couple of
auburn shades in my hand.
“Go for it, Mom!”
I didn’t need much encouragement.
Sometimes, we get into ruts. We put
ourselves into predictable boxes. We follow our set patterns. We bore even
So, I put a totally different color
into the grocery cart, went home, and became a redhead within an hour.
The color screamed, “RED!”
I glanced into the mirror several
times and wondered what David would say when he came home from work.
“You look like my grandmother,” he
piped when he took in my new shade.
Now, no woman wants to hear that she
looks like her husband’s grandmother!
I immediately realized, though, that
it the tint did closely match the shade of red that Grandmother had used.
I don’t know how long I will stay with this
latest tone, but I love that I can still take on a dare and not be afraid of
Copyright 2013 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman
Love this post!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen my natural hair color in a couple of decades. I'm not even sure what it is. Probably a mousy grayish blah brown.
I was several different types of blond in my 30s and 40s.
I've been going darker the last few years though. I'm at a reddish brown with highlights now. (Loreal Experte #63 -Brioche) I get a lot of compliments on it, but I've been considering going a little redder this summer. I really like your color. It makes your eyes pop and sparkle.
I *really* wish I had an all over natural silver gray like Jamie Lee Curtis. She is gorgeous, but that's not in my genes.
You look fabulous.
DeleteI used to color my hair something different whenever I got the urge to cut it. I guess I'd want something new or different. Color, at least, isn't as drastic as a bad cut!