Friday, April 10, 2015


                        buried under smiles
                                                as innocent as childhood
                        hidden by energy
                                                that eats the inner core
                        enveloped with laughter
                                                tinged by hysteria
            where no one can see, or touch, or feel
                                                the infinite coldness
                        surrounded by darkness
                                                like a corpse in the grave
                        clamped down by a vise
                                                whose claws rip and tear
                        forced into submission
                                                until no one’s looking
            deep down in the well of pitch, and stagnation, and fear
                                                the infinite coldness
                        revealed at last in the eyes
                                                through condemnation and
                        recognized by the putrid stench
                                                of pettiness and intolerance
                        exposed in each word and act
                                                through acid hatred
            an eruption of vomitus bile—black and caustic
                                                the infinite coldness

Copyright 1997 Elizabeth Abrams Chapman


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